style='CURSOR:hand;' 只在 IE 及 Chrome 中有效
style='CURSOR:pointer;' 在任一瀏覽器中都有效
所以以後用 style='CURSOR:pointer;' 來代替 style='CURSOR:hand;' 吧
2010年6月10日 星期四
2010年5月6日 星期四
用英文唸九九乘法表 (Multiplication Table or Times Table)
網路上查了一下... 原來是這樣...
2*1=2 two time one are two
2*2=4 two time two are four
2*3=6 two time three are six
2*4=8 two time four are eight
2*5=10 two time five are ten
2*6=10 two time six are twelve
網路上查了一下... 原來是這樣...
2*1=2 two time one are two
2*2=4 two time two are four
2*3=6 two time three are six
2*4=8 two time four are eight
2*5=10 two time five are ten
2*6=10 two time six are twelve
2010年5月5日 星期三
[轉載] How to use an English dictionary
學英文要有正確的觀念及工具... 個人覺得寫得相當不錯... 推薦給大家...
Invest in a good English dictionary. It's one of the best things that you can do to improve your English.
Learn the phonetic alphabet. At the beginning of most good English dictionaries, you'll find the phonetic table, which tells you how to pronounce the phonetic symbols given with each word. If you learn these symbols, you'll find it much easier to pronounce new words.
Learn how to use the stress marks. Most English dictionaries show where the stress of a word is by using the mark '. This means that the following syllable is stressed:
pho- 'to-gra-pher
The best way to improve your pronunciation is with correct word stress, as making mistakes with stress causes more misunderstandings than mispronouncing the word.
Make sure you know the grammar of the new word. If it is a verb, does it need a preposition, such as 'in' or 'of'? Does the verb have an irregular ending?
Look at the definition of the new word. If you don't understand it, try a simpler dictionary. Good dictionaries give definitions that are simpler than the word they describe.
Look at the example sentence given. It should show the new word in a way that explains its meaning.
Is the new word typically spoken or written? Formal or informal? American or British? Which other words can you use it with?
This information will help you to start practising the new word, confident that you are using it in the right situation.
Don't try to learn every new word - concentrate on the words or phrases you think you will need to know.
Many English words have more than one meaning. Some dictionaries put the most common meaning first in the list of definitions.
Pictures of words, or word groups, can help you to remember more easily.
It's generally better to use a normal English (monolingual) dictionary. There are three main advantages of these dictionaries.
* They give you practice in understanding English.
* As the definitions and examples are in English, you can see immediately how a word is used.
* Because many English words won't translate directly into your language, you have to be careful with bilingual dictionaries when you write down the meaning of the word.
2. Why can't I understand the definitions?Perhaps your dictionary is too complicated. Try using one that's especially designed for learners of English at your level. It's annoying if you can't understand the definition or example sentence of a new word. It's much better to start off with a simpler dictionary, such as Longman Active Study Dictionary, then move on to a more complex one later.
3. How many words should there be?No dictionary contains all the words and expressions in English (currently estimated to be around 1 million). The average person knows at least 60,000 words, so a useful dictionary will have around 80,000 words and expressions.
4. Why can't I find the words in my dictionary?English is changing – every year there are new words and expressions. Make sure your dictionary is fairly new, as any dictionary older than a few years may be out-of-date. If you're looking for a special or technical word, it might be a good idea to invest in a specialised dictionary.
學英文要有正確的觀念及工具... 個人覺得寫得相當不錯... 推薦給大家...
How to use an English dictionary
Tips for getting the most from an English Dictionary.Invest in a good English dictionary. It's one of the best things that you can do to improve your English.
Learn the phonetic alphabet. At the beginning of most good English dictionaries, you'll find the phonetic table, which tells you how to pronounce the phonetic symbols given with each word. If you learn these symbols, you'll find it much easier to pronounce new words.
Learn how to use the stress marks. Most English dictionaries show where the stress of a word is by using the mark '. This means that the following syllable is stressed:
pho- 'to-gra-pher
The best way to improve your pronunciation is with correct word stress, as making mistakes with stress causes more misunderstandings than mispronouncing the word.
Make sure you know the grammar of the new word. If it is a verb, does it need a preposition, such as 'in' or 'of'? Does the verb have an irregular ending?
Look at the definition of the new word. If you don't understand it, try a simpler dictionary. Good dictionaries give definitions that are simpler than the word they describe.
Look at the example sentence given. It should show the new word in a way that explains its meaning.
Other things to think about
Is the new word typically spoken or written? Formal or informal? American or British? Which other words can you use it with?
This information will help you to start practising the new word, confident that you are using it in the right situation.
Don't try to learn every new word - concentrate on the words or phrases you think you will need to know.
Many English words have more than one meaning. Some dictionaries put the most common meaning first in the list of definitions.
Pictures of words, or word groups, can help you to remember more easily.
Questions about dictionaries
1. Should I use a normal English dictionary, or a bilingual one?It's generally better to use a normal English (monolingual) dictionary. There are three main advantages of these dictionaries.
* They give you practice in understanding English.
* As the definitions and examples are in English, you can see immediately how a word is used.
* Because many English words won't translate directly into your language, you have to be careful with bilingual dictionaries when you write down the meaning of the word.
2. Why can't I understand the definitions?Perhaps your dictionary is too complicated. Try using one that's especially designed for learners of English at your level. It's annoying if you can't understand the definition or example sentence of a new word. It's much better to start off with a simpler dictionary, such as Longman Active Study Dictionary, then move on to a more complex one later.
3. How many words should there be?No dictionary contains all the words and expressions in English (currently estimated to be around 1 million). The average person knows at least 60,000 words, so a useful dictionary will have around 80,000 words and expressions.
4. Why can't I find the words in my dictionary?English is changing – every year there are new words and expressions. Make sure your dictionary is fairly new, as any dictionary older than a few years may be out-of-date. If you're looking for a special or technical word, it might be a good idea to invest in a specialised dictionary.
2010年4月12日 星期一
驚!!從微軟下載的 是 Win32/Agent 木馬程式?
起因為... 公司防毒程式偵測到病毒... 發了病毒通知信...
但是... 在微軟官方網站的用途說明如下....
在您嘗試使用修復安裝(重新安裝)您的Windows XP後,你可能會發現自動更新安裝失敗,或您透過 Internet Explorer 連結 Microsoft Windows Update 網站進行更新時,會出現很多個更新下載正常,卻無法安裝。
所以原本好像是為了要修正某些電腦遇到無法安裝 windows update 的問題...
但是把這個檔案丟到 virustotal 去掃毒...
蠻嚇人的.... 有 18/39 個防毒程式,判斷為惡意程式....
這... 到底是要不要安裝呢?....
2010/4/12 下午 14:26:04 - 組件 HTTP 過濾器 - 電腦 XXXX 中的威脅警告被觸發: 含有 可能是 Win32/Agent 木馬 的一個變種。
--------------------------------------------------------但是... 在微軟官方網站的用途說明如下....
在您嘗試使用修復安裝(重新安裝)您的Windows XP後,你可能會發現自動更新安裝失敗,或您透過 Internet Explorer 連結 Microsoft Windows Update 網站進行更新時,會出現很多個更新下載正常,卻無法安裝。
- 請先下載 wufix.zip壓縮檔 (
- 下載完成後,[滑鼠右鍵]點選該壓縮檔,並選擇[解壓縮全部]。
- 於[壓縮資料匣解壓縮精靈]的畫面中,請按下[下一步]繼續,接著請選擇你欲存放該檔案的位置,確認後請按[下一步],接著選擇[完成]。
按下[完成]後,會自動開啟一個新視窗,請連點兩下來執行其中的 wufix.exe- 執行該程式時,您將會看見一個黑色的視窗,請耐心等待,該視窗會自行關閉
- 完成上述步驟後,請再次執行Windows Update
- 按一下 [開始],再按一下 [執行],在 [開啟] 方塊中輸入 cmd,然後按一下 [確定]。
- 於命令提示字元中,依序輸入以下指令並按下Enter
regsvr32 wuweb.dll
regsvr32 wuapi.dll
regsvr32 wucltui.dll
regsvr32 wuaueng.dll
regsvr32 wups.dll
regsvr32 wups2.dll
net stop wuauserv
net start wuauserv
net stop bits
net start bits
net stop w32time
net start w32time
net stop msiserver
net start msiserver - 請重新執行Windows Update即可
- Microsoft Windows Update
所以原本好像是為了要修正某些電腦遇到無法安裝 windows update 的問題...
但是把這個檔案丟到 virustotal 去掃毒...
蠻嚇人的.... 有 18/39 個防毒程式,判斷為惡意程式....
這... 到底是要不要安裝呢?....
2010年3月19日 星期五
♦♦ com|mit /kəm'ɪt/ (commits committing committed)
1 [VERB] V n, V n
If someone commits a crime or a sin, they do something illegal or bad.
I have never committed any crime...
This is a man who has committed murder.
2 [VERB] V n
If someone commits suicide, they deliberately kill themselves.
There are unconfirmed reports he tried to commit suicide.
3 [VERB] V n to/for n/-ing, V n
If you commit money or resources to something, you decide to use them for a particular purpose.
They called on Western nations to commit more money to the poorest nations...
He should not commit American troops without the full consent of Congress.
4 [VERB] V pron-refl to -ing/n, V pron-refl, V to n, also V n to n
If you commit yourself to something, you say that you will definitely do it. If you commit yourself to someone, you decide that you want to have a long-term relationship with them.
I would advise people to think very carefully about committing themselves to working Sundays...
I'd like a friendship that might lead to something deeper, but I wouldn't want to commit myself too soon...
You don't have to commit to anything over the phone.
● committed [ADJ] oft ADJ to n/-ing
He said the government remained committed to peace.
...a committed socialist.
5 [VERB] with brd-neg, V pron-refl on n, V pron-refl
If you do not want to commit yourself on something, you do not want to say what you really think about it or what you are going to do.
It isn't their diplomatic style to commit themselves on such a delicate issue...
She didn't want to commit herself one way or the other.
6 [VERB] usu passive, be V-ed to n, also be V-ed
If someone is committed to a hospital, prison, or other institution, they are officially sent there for a period of time.
Arthur's drinking caused him to be committed to a psychiatric hospital.
7 [VERB] usu passive, be V-ed for n
In the British legal system, if someone is committed for trial, they are sent by magistrates to stand trial in a crown court.
He is expected to be committed for trial at Liverpool Crown Court.
8 [VERB] V n to n, V n to n
If you commit something to paper or to writing, you record it by writing it down. If you commit something to memory, you learn it so that you will remember it.
She had not committed anything to paper about it...
I'll repeat that so you can commit it to memory.
If someone commits a crime or a sin, they do something illegal or bad.
I have never committed any crime...
This is a man who has committed murder.
2 [VERB] V n
If someone commits suicide, they deliberately kill themselves.
There are unconfirmed reports he tried to commit suicide.
3 [VERB] V n to/for n/-ing, V n
If you commit money or resources to something, you decide to use them for a particular purpose.
They called on Western nations to commit more money to the poorest nations...
He should not commit American troops without the full consent of Congress.
4 [VERB] V pron-refl to -ing/n, V pron-refl, V to n, also V n to n
If you commit yourself to something, you say that you will definitely do it. If you commit yourself to someone, you decide that you want to have a long-term relationship with them.
I would advise people to think very carefully about committing themselves to working Sundays...
I'd like a friendship that might lead to something deeper, but I wouldn't want to commit myself too soon...
You don't have to commit to anything over the phone.
● committed [ADJ] oft ADJ to n/-ing
He said the government remained committed to peace.
...a committed socialist.
5 [VERB] with brd-neg, V pron-refl on n, V pron-refl
If you do not want to commit yourself on something, you do not want to say what you really think about it or what you are going to do.
It isn't their diplomatic style to commit themselves on such a delicate issue...
She didn't want to commit herself one way or the other.
6 [VERB] usu passive, be V-ed to n, also be V-ed
If someone is committed to a hospital, prison, or other institution, they are officially sent there for a period of time.
Arthur's drinking caused him to be committed to a psychiatric hospital.
7 [VERB] usu passive, be V-ed for n
In the British legal system, if someone is committed for trial, they are sent by magistrates to stand trial in a crown court.
He is expected to be committed for trial at Liverpool Crown Court.
8 [VERB] V n to n, V n to n
If you commit something to paper or to writing, you record it by writing it down. If you commit something to memory, you learn it so that you will remember it.
She had not committed anything to paper about it...
I'll repeat that so you can commit it to memory.
2010年3月18日 星期四
♦♦ crime /kr'aɪm/ (crimes)
1 [N-VAR]
A crime is an illegal action or activity for which a person can be punished by law.
He and Lieutenant Cassidy were checking the scene of the crime...
Mr Steele has committed no crime and poses no danger to the public...
We need a positive programme of crime prevention.
2 [N-COUNT] usu sing, oft it v-link N to-inf
If you say that doing something is a crime, you think it is very wrong or a serious mistake.
It would be a crime to travel all the way to Australia and not stop in Sydney.
= sin
A crime is an illegal action or activity for which a person can be punished by law.
He and Lieutenant Cassidy were checking the scene of the crime...
Mr Steele has committed no crime and poses no danger to the public...
We need a positive programme of crime prevention.
2 [N-COUNT] usu sing, oft it v-link N to-inf
If you say that doing something is a crime, you think it is very wrong or a serious mistake.
It would be a crime to travel all the way to Australia and not stop in Sydney.
= sin
crime scene (crime scenes)
A crime scene is a place that is being investigated by the police because a crime has taken place there.
Photographs of the crime scene began to arrive within twenty minutes.
A crime scene is a place that is being investigated by the police because a crime has taken place there.
Photographs of the crime scene began to arrive within twenty minutes.
crime wave
also crimewave
When more crimes than usual are committed in a particular place, you can refer to this as a crime wave.
The country is in the grip of a teenage crime wave.
When more crimes than usual are committed in a particular place, you can refer to this as a crime wave.
The country is in the grip of a teenage crime wave.
also white collar
1 [ADJ] ADJ n
White-collar workers work in offices rather than doing physical work such as making things in factories or building things.
White-collar workers now work longer hours.
≠ blue-collar
2 [ADJ] ADJ n
White-collar crime is committed by people who work in offices, and involves stealing money secretly from companies or the government, or getting money in an illegal way.
1 [ADJ] ADJ n
White-collar workers work in offices rather than doing physical work such as making things in factories or building things.
White-collar workers now work longer hours.
≠ blue-collar
2 [ADJ] ADJ n
White-collar crime is committed by people who work in offices, and involves stealing money secretly from companies or the government, or getting money in an illegal way.
2010年3月17日 星期三
♦♦ es|tate /ɪst'eɪt/ (estates)
An estate is a large area of land in the country which is owned by a person, family, or organization.
...a shooting party on Lord Wyville's estate in Yorkshire.
People sometimes use estate to refer to a housing estate or an industrial estate. (BRIT)
He used to live on the estate.
3 [N-COUNT] oft poss N
Someone's estate is all the money and property that they leave behind them when they die. (LEGAL)
His estate was valued at $150,000.
see also housing estate, industrial estate,
An estate is a large area of land in the country which is owned by a person, family, or organization.
...a shooting party on Lord Wyville's estate in Yorkshire.
People sometimes use estate to refer to a housing estate or an industrial estate. (BRIT)
He used to live on the estate.
3 [N-COUNT] oft poss N
Someone's estate is all the money and property that they leave behind them when they die. (LEGAL)
His estate was valued at $150,000.
see also housing estate, industrial estate,
es|tate agen|cy (estate agencies)
An estate agency is a company that sells houses and land for people. (BRIT)
An estate agency is a company that sells houses and land for people. (BRIT)
es|tate agent (estate agents)
An estate agent is someone who works for a company that sells houses and land for people. (BRIT; in AM, use Realtor, real estate agent)
An estate agent is someone who works for a company that sells houses and land for people. (BRIT; in AM, use Realtor, real estate agent)
es|tate car (estate cars)
An estate car is a car with a long body, a door at the rear, and space behind the back seats. (BRIT; in AM, use station wagon)
An estate car is a car with a long body, a door at the rear, and space behind the back seats. (BRIT; in AM, use station wagon)
hous|ing es|tate (housing estates)
A housing estate is a large number of houses or flats built close together at the same time. (BRIT)
A housing estate is a large number of houses or flats built close together at the same time. (BRIT)
in|dus|trial es|tate (industrial estates)
An industrial estate is an area which has been specially planned for a lot of factories. (BRIT; in AM, use industrial park)
An industrial estate is an area which has been specially planned for a lot of factories. (BRIT; in AM, use industrial park)
real es|tate
Real estate is property in the form of land and buildings, rather than personal possessions. (mainly AM)
By investing in real estate, he was one of the richest men in the United States.
= property
2 [N-UNCOUNT] usu N n
Real estate businesses or real estate agents sell houses, buildings, and land. (AM; in BRIT, use estate agency, estate agents)
...the real estate agent who sold you your house.
Real estate is property in the form of land and buildings, rather than personal possessions. (mainly AM)
By investing in real estate, he was one of the richest men in the United States.
= property
2 [N-UNCOUNT] usu N n
Real estate businesses or real estate agents sell houses, buildings, and land. (AM; in BRIT, use estate agency, estate agents)
...the real estate agent who sold you your house.
trad|ing es|tate (trading estates)
[N-COUNT] oft in names
A trading estate is the same as an industrial estate. (BRIT)
A trading estate is the same as an industrial estate. (BRIT)
2010年3月16日 星期二
由於網路的發達... 現在的病毒、木馬、蠕蟲...
因為透過網路... 「惡意程式」自己就能「下載」及「更新」
Windows 平台中,近期比較流行的「惡意程式」
多半都會以 autorun.inf 來自動執行
而且都是透過 usb 隨身碟來散佈較多
就會啟動惡意程式的散佈機制.... 進而感染整部電腦所有磁碟機及系統目錄
為了不讓操作者發現 autorun.inf 檔案及其中指向的惡意程式...
而且... 已受感染的電腦...
不論你如何的修改設定... 都會被惡意程式「即時」還原...
所以你永遠看不到 autorun.inf 及惡意程式的蹤跡...
要解這種毒... 原則上... 還是得依賴防毒程式
要依賴的... 當然是除了你電腦中的那一套防毒程式以外的其它防毒程式了
建議至少要找個兩、三套來掃掃... 才會掃得比較乾淨...
所以... 防毒程式無法擋下所有的病毒... 已經是一個既定的事實...
要抓出病毒... 當然也是要大家通力合作...
當解完病毒之後... 有時 Windows 中設定顯示隱藏檔的功能還是不正常
就是直接手動去改 registry 了
開始 ==> 執行 ==> regedit
因為透過網路... 「惡意程式」自己就能「下載」及「更新」
Windows 平台中,近期比較流行的「惡意程式」
多半都會以 autorun.inf 來自動執行
而且都是透過 usb 隨身碟來散佈較多
就會啟動惡意程式的散佈機制.... 進而感染整部電腦所有磁碟機及系統目錄
為了不讓操作者發現 autorun.inf 檔案及其中指向的惡意程式...
而且... 已受感染的電腦...
不論你如何的修改設定... 都會被惡意程式「即時」還原...
所以你永遠看不到 autorun.inf 及惡意程式的蹤跡...
要解這種毒... 原則上... 還是得依賴防毒程式
要依賴的... 當然是除了你電腦中的那一套防毒程式以外的其它防毒程式了
建議至少要找個兩、三套來掃掃... 才會掃得比較乾淨...
所以... 防毒程式無法擋下所有的病毒... 已經是一個既定的事實...
要抓出病毒... 當然也是要大家通力合作...
當解完病毒之後... 有時 Windows 中設定顯示隱藏檔的功能還是不正常
就是直接手動去改 registry 了
開始 ==> 執行 ==> regedit
1. 找到 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL]
裏面的數值選「十進位」... 填上1
2. 找到 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced]
裏面的數值選「十進位」... 填上1這樣子再去資料夾選項中修改時
2010年3月13日 星期六
♦ The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English
♦♦ The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English.
♦♦♦ The word is one of the 700 most common words in English.
♦ ag|gres|sive /əgr'esɪv/
1 [ADJ]
An aggressive person or animal has a quality of anger and determination that makes them ready to attack other people.
#Some children are much more aggressive than others...
#Aggressive behaviour is a sign of emotional distress.
= belligerent
● aggressively [ADV]
#They'll react aggressively.
● aggressiveness [N-UNCOUNT]
#Her aggressiveness made it difficult for him to explain his own feelings.
= aggression
2 [ADJ]
People who are aggressive in their work or other activities behave in a forceful way because they are very eager to succeed.
#He is respected as a very aggressive and competitive executive...
● aggressively [ADV] usu ADV with v
#...countries noted for aggressively pursuing energy efficiency.
An aggressive person or animal has a quality of anger and determination that makes them ready to attack other people.
#Some children are much more aggressive than others...
#Aggressive behaviour is a sign of emotional distress.
= belligerent
● aggressively [ADV]
#They'll react aggressively.
● aggressiveness [N-UNCOUNT]
#Her aggressiveness made it difficult for him to explain his own feelings.
= aggression
2 [ADJ]
People who are aggressive in their work or other activities behave in a forceful way because they are very eager to succeed.
#He is respected as a very aggressive and competitive executive...
● aggressively [ADV] usu ADV with v
#...countries noted for aggressively pursuing energy efficiency.
文章 (Atom)