2009年6月5日 星期五


A Father and His Young Daughter Go to America (Situation1-15)
(整理自 http://www.tingclass.com/lesson/0000563283535.html)

Situation 1:
Talking About America(Mr.Pak, a Korean father, decides to go
to America with his daughter Su-mi.To get ready to go to
America,he also thinks it would be good if they speak only in English. )
Su-mi,would you like to go to America?
I asked you if you want to go to America with me.
I will go next Tuesday.I think you will learn
a lot if you go with me.
Dad,of course I want to go with you,
but why are you speaking English to me
Well,next Tuesday is only five days from now.
If we are going to America we should practice our English
every day.
That is a good idea,Dad.If we speak English together until
next Tuesday,speaking English in America will be easier.
That's right. So do you promise?
Yes,Dad,I promise to speak only English until next Tuesday.
No,you must promise to speak only English until the week
after next Tuesday.
Because we will be in America for one weekand you have to
speak only English until we come back to Korea.
Yes,I promise.
That's a good girl.
Is Mom going with us?
No,your mother has to stay here and take care of your
younger brother.
So Tae-gyun is staying in Korea with Mom?
Yes,your brother Tae - gyun is only twelve years old.
He doesn't know much English yet.
But I am only fifteen years old.
I know,but that means you have already learned English in
school.Now I want you to practice your English with me and with
people in America.
Okay,Dad.But I don't think Mom and Tae - gyun are going
to be happy.
Don't worry. I will explain it to your mother and your brother.
Okay, Dad.Good luck.

Situation 2:
Explaining to Mrs. Pak and Tae-gyun(Mr. Pak and Su-mi go
into the living room.Mrs. Pak and her son Tae -gyun are there
watching television. )
Um,I have something I want to tell you.
Okay,but why are you telling me in English?
Well,that is what I want to tell you.Su - mi and I are
going to America next week.That is why I am practicing my English.
What? You are going where?
We are going to visit America.I want Su - mi to see America and practice
her English.
And when did you decide this?
I decided last week.
And why didn't you tell me?
Well,I wasn't sure until just now.
Why not?
Because I just asked Su-mi?
And what did she say?
I said yes.I really want to visit America.Please.
I don't know.
It would be a very good chance for her to practice her Englishand
to see many new things,too.
Yeah,Mom,it would be a good chance Please let me go.
What about Tae - gyun? It's not fair if only Su-mi goes.
Yeah,what about me?I want to go to.
What?Where did you learn English?You are only twelve.
Dad,now we learn English even in elementary school.
I started learning English two years ago.
Okay,Tae-gyun,I promise to take you to America next year.
But this year, only Su-mi and I will go.
And what about me? When will I go to America?
I don't know,but I will buy you a present.
That sounds good.I want a Burberry's coat.
But those are very expensive.
If you don't buy me a coat,you cannot go to America.
Okay,you win.I will buy you a Burberry's coat.

Situation 3:
Talking about the Vacation(Su-mi goes home and
talks to her father about their vacation.)
Dad,I want to talk to you about our trip.
Okay, what do you want to talk about
I want to talk about where we will go
Well,my sister,your aunt,lives in Los Angeles.
So I thought we would go there first.
Great!Then can we go to New York,Boston and San Francisco?
I don't know.We will be there only for a week.
And New York and Boston are very far from Los Angeles.
But I think we can go to San Francisco.
Okay,what about Yellowstone Park and the Grand Canyon?
Can we go there, too?
I don't know about Yellowstone,it's also very far.
But the Grand Canyon is pretty close to L.A.
so maybe we can go there.
That's great.I am going to see L.A. ,San Francisco,and the Grand Canyon.
I said "maybe".I can't promise you anything.
First,we have to go thereand ask your aunt about travelling inside the United States.
I know,Dad,but I am still very happy and excited about this trip.
Good.I know we will have fun wherever we g
Yes,but we will have more fun if we go to more places.
That's true.I will try my best to visit San Francisco
and the Grand Canyon.
Thank's,Dad.You're the best.
Will I still be the best if we only go to Los Angeles?
Of course.You'll always be the best dad to me.
And you will always be the prettiest daughter to me.

Situation 4:
Going to the Airport(Next Tuesday comes and Mr. Pak and Su-mi
are going to the airport. )
Su-mi, are you ready to go?
Almost.I'll be ready in five minutes.
Okay,I am going to say goodbye to your mother and brother.
(Mr.Pak goes into the livingroom where Mrs.Pak and Tae - gyun are waiting. )
Su - mi and I will be leaving in about five minutes.
Don't worry,Tae -gyun, we will go next year.
And next year I will get a Burberry's scarf to go with my coat.
No,next year you can go with us.
What if I don't want to go?
Then I will buy you anything you want.
I want to go. I don't want a present
Okay, I'm ready.Let's go.
(Su-mi goes to her mother and brother.)Mom,we will be back in one week,
don't worry.Tae-gyun,you be good and listen to Mom.
Yes,listen to your mother.We will see you in one week.
Good-bye.(Mr.Pak and Su - mi go out of the house and get in their car.)
Let's go.
Yeah,let's go to America.
Well, first we have to go to the airport.
Do you know the name of our airport in English?
Yes, it's called Kimpo.
That's right,but its full name is Kimpo International Airport.
Okay,then let's go to Kimpo International Airport,
and then to Los Angeles International airport.
Very good.You learn quickly.
Of course I do.
I am your daughter.
That's true.I am pretty smart too.
So you should thank me for your intelligence.
Thanks,Dad,for my intelligence, and for this vacation.
You are welcome for the vacation,but I really think you
should thank your mother for your intelligence.
She is much smarter than I am.

Situation 5:
At the Airport(Mr. Pak and Su-mi arrive at Kimpo International Airport
and get ready to go.)
We are here.Let's go get our tickets.
What? We don't have tickets yet?
Yes,we have tickets,but I bought them on the internet.Now we have to get them.
Okay, where do we have to go to get them?
Well,we are flying Asiana Airlines so we should go to the Asiana ticket window.
Good.Let's go.(Mr.Pak and Su-mi go to the Asiana ticket window. )
Hello, may I help you?
Yes,please.My name is Pak Chun-hyok and this is my daughter PakSu-mi.
We are travelling to Los Angeles today,and want to get our tickets.
Please wait,sir (The Asiana employee looks at the computer.)
Yes,Mr. Pak,I have two tickets for you.Here you" are.
Have a nice trip.
Thank you very much.Have a nice day.(Mr.Pak takes his ticket and gives the
other ticket to Su-mi)Here is your ticket. Don't lose it.
Thanks, Dad.
You are welcome Let's go to the restaurant and wait for our airplane.
There are still two hours before we leave.
That sounds good I am thirsty.(Mr.Pak and Su-mi go to the restaurant
inside the airport.)
Hello,may I take your order.
Yes,I would like a cup of coffee,please.
Me too.One more cup of coffee,please.
No,you're too young to drink coffee.
Okay,one hot cocoa, please.
One cup of coffee and one cup of hot cocoa,
would you like anything else?
No, thank you.
Dad,can I have a sandwich,too?
Are you hungry?
Yes,I am very hungry.
Okay,you can have a sandwich,too.
All right,then I will get your drinks now;
your sandwich will be ready in a few minutes.

Situation 6:
On the Airplane(Mr.Pak and Su-mi finish their drinks
and food.They are now ready to get on the airplane. )
It's twelve o'clock.Our plane leaves at twelve-thirty.
I think we should get on it.
Okay,where do we go to get on the plane
Our plane leaves from gate number six,so we have to go there.
(Mr.Pak and Su-mi go to gate number six. )
Here it is, Dad,gate number six.
Yes,let's get on the airplane.(At the gate an Asiana employee istaking tickets.)
Good afternoon,may I have your tickets?
Dad, do you have the tickets?
Yes, here they are.
Thank you,sir You are in seats number twenty-nine A and twenty-nine B.
Thank you very much.
Yes,thanks a lot.
You are very welcome.Have a nice trip.(Mr.Pak and Su-mi go to take their seats.)
These are great seats.We are close to the window and the bathroom.
Dad,can I sit by the window?
Of course you can.
Thanks.I want to see Seoul from the air
That's a good idea. You can also see Los Angeles from the air later.
Hey,that's a good idea, too.Dad,how long is the flight from Seoul to L.A. ?
I think it takes ten hours.
Ten hours? That is a really long time!
Yes,it is.But you can watch two free movies.
Two free movies? That's great.Two movies take four hours,
so we will only have to wait six more hours.

Situation 7:
Arriving in Los Angeles(Mr.Pak and Su-mi finish their flight
and arrive in Los Angeles.)
Su-mi, how was the flight?
It was long and boring, but the movies were fun.
Really?I don't know because I was asleep most of the time.
Where do we go now?
Now we have to go through immigration
Immigration,what's that?
Immigration is where they check your passport.
Don't worry,it's very easy.
Okay,I won't worry if we can go through immigration together.
(Su-mi and Mr.Pak go to immigration together. )
Hello,may I please see your passports?
Yes, here they are.
Is she your daughter?
Yes,she is.
What will you do in America?
We are going to see Los Angeles and San Francisco.
And the Grand Canyon!
Oh,yes,and the Grand Canyon.
And where will you be staying?
My sister lives in L. A. . We will be staying at her house.
All right.I hope you have a nice trip.
No,you should say "Thank you, sir."
It's more polite.
Oh,I'm sorry.Thank you,sir.
ou are very welcome.(Mr. Pak and Su-mi go out of immigration and
meet with Mr. Pak's sister, Mrs.Kim.)
Chun-hyok,it is so good to see you. And Su-mi,you are so big.
How old are you now?
I am fifteen years old.I was only eleven years old the
last time I saw you.
Well, you have grown a lot.You are now a young woman.
Chun-hyok,you must be tired. Let's go to my house.
Yes,I am very tired.Let's go to your house now.

Situation 8:
At Mrs. Kim s House(All three of them get in Mrs.Kim's car and
drive to her house.)
Auntie,your house is very close to the airport.
Yes,it only took twenty minutes to drive from the airport
to your house.
Yes,it is very convenient to live close to the airport.
Let's go inside and get something to eat.
That sounds great.I'm really hungry.
(All three of them go into Mrs.Kim's house.)
What would you like to eat?
I would like some kimch'i chige and rice.
No,Dad,we are in America.We should eat American food.
She is right.You can eat rice and kimch 7 every day in Korea.
How about eating some pizza?
But we can eat pizza every day in Korea, too.
I know,but American pizza is different from Korean pizza.
Why don't you try it?
Yeah,Dad,I want to try American pizza.
All right,you win.We'll try American pizza.
Thanks, Dad.
Jimmy will be coming home soon so we should order two large pizzas.
Jimmy eats a lot.
Who is Jimmy?
Jimmy is the American name of your cousin Jin-sok.
Jin- sok is a good name.Why does he need an American name?
He doesn't need one,but he wanted one.
Dad,I want an American name,too.
No,your name is Su-mi. I gave you that name and you will use it.
What about Sue? Sue is a good American name,
and it sounds the same as the first half of Su-mi.
Yeah,Dad, what about Sue?
Sue is okay,but when we go back to Korea,
you are Su-mi again.

Situation 9:
Walking in Los Angeles(Mr. Pak and Su-mi decide to go for a w
alk near Mrs. Kim's house.)
Are you tired?
No,I feel fine.What about you, Sue?
No,I'm not tired.Why do you ask?
Well,in front of our house there are many nice stores.I thought you might
want to take a walk and see some of them.
Okay,that sounds fun.Do you want to go too, Sue?
Of course I want to go.I love shopping.
Well,I can't promise you whether you can buy anything or not.
So it won't really be shopping.
That's all right I like window shopping too.
Okay,let's go.We'll come back in about thirty minutes.
Thirty minutes?All right.See you then(Mr.Pak and Su-mi go
out of the houseand go down the street to where there are
many stores.)
Hey,there is a store that sells food and drinks.
Can we go in? I am thirsty.
Yes,I'm thirsty too.(Mr.Pak and Su-mi go into the store,but
they cannot find the milk.Mr.Pak asks the man working at the store
where it is. )
Excuse me,but where is the "milku"?
I am sorry,what are you looking for?
"Milku."I want to know where the "milku" is.
I am very sorry,but I can't understand.
We are looking for some milk.
Oh, milk.Thank you.It is in the back of the store,
next to the cheese and eggs
Wow,Sue, your pronunciation is very good.
That is the difference between the old and the new generation.

Situation 10:
Seeing Los Angeles(Jimmy comes home and he, Mr.Pak, Su-mi,and
Mrs.Kim all finish eating the pizza.Then they decide to
see Los Angeles.)
If you want to see L.A. ,just ask me.
Of course we want to see Los Angeles, but how can you help us?
Uncle,I am eighteen.I can drive a car.
Really? Are you a good driver?
Jimmy is a very good and very safe driver.
Yeah, Dad,let's go with Jimmy oppa and see L.A..
Sue, you don't have to call me oppa in America.
You can just call me Jimmy.Let's go.
(They get in the car and begin to drive.)
Where are we going first?
First, we will go to the ocean.The ocean and the beaches here are very famous.
That will be very nice.I love the ocean.
Where will we go after that?
After that we can go to Holly-wood.
Cool!Hollywood!Will we see some movie stars?
No.But we will see some movie studios
What are movie studios?
Dad,movie studios are where movies are made.
How did you know that?
Yeah,Sue,how did you know that?
I saw it on the internet.Before coming to L.A.
I looked on the internet for information.
Do you have the internet in Korea,too?
Of course we do.The internet and computers are very popular in Korea.
Yes,even I learned how to use e-mail last year.
Really?How did you learn?
Sue taught me.
And how did Sue learn?
All young people in Korea know about computers.
We learn about them in school.
That is enough about computers.
Let's go to the beach.

Situation 11:
Meeting Jimmy's Friend(Su-mi's cousin Jimmy
takes her to meet his iriend Tommy. )
Sue,this is my friend Tommy.He is my best friend.
Hello,Tommy,it is very nice to meet you.
Hi,good to meet you, too.
Sue just came here from Korea.She is going to stay for one week.
From Korea?Cool.Where is Korea? Is it in China?
No,Korea is not in China.Korea is between China and Japan.
Oh, sorry.But you speak Chinese,right?
No,of course not I speak Korean.
Really?I didn't know that.In America we don't have many chances to
learn about Korea.Can you tell me some more things about your country?
of course.Ask anything you want and I will try to answer as well as I can.
Well,what do you eat in Korea?
We eat a lot of rice and kimch 'i.
Kimch'i?Isn't that really hot and spicy?
Yes, sometimes.But there are many kinds of kimch'i.
Really? I didn't know that.But if you eat only rice and kimch'i don't
you get bored?
That is not all we eat.There are hundreds of kinds of Korean food.
We eat all kinds of meat,fish, and vegetables.And these days young
people also eat pizza,hamburgers,and spaghetti.Seoul is becoming a
very international city.
Wow,I didn't know that. Is Seoul a big city?
It's very big.About fourteen million people live there.
Fourteen million??That's bigger than L.A.
Yes,you should come with Jimmy to visti Korea.
Yeah,let's go to Seoul next summer.
I would like that very much.

Situation 12:
Going to San Francisco(The next day Mr.Pak and Su-mi take an airplane to San
Dad,I am really tired.I don' want to fly again.
Sue,don't worry This flight is only one hour,not ten.
Oh,that's different. One hour is easy.(One hour later they arrive in San
Francisco.They leave the airport and catch a taxi. )
Where to?
Excuse me?
Where do you want to go?
Oh, we are going to the Marriott Hotel.
Okay,the Marriott Hotel.Are you here for business.
No, my daughter and I are here for sightseeing.
Well,San Francisco is a wonderful city.What are you going to see?
I don't know.Are you from San Francisco?
Yes,I was born and raised here.
Well,what do you think we should see?
How long will you be here?
We will only be here for one day.
Oh,that's not much time.If you only have one day,you should see the
Golden Gate Bridge and Golden Gate Park.
Yeah,I learned about the Golden Gate Bridge in school; I really want to see it.
Okay.Where else should we visit?
You should also visit Chinatown.It is very old and has many good places to eat.
I love Chinese food.My favorite is t'angsuyuk.
What is that? I've never heard of it before.
Oh, that is the korean name for sweet and sour pork.
Sweet and sour pork? That's my favorite, too.
Okay,why don't first?We can eat lunch there and then go to see the
Golden Gate Bridge.
I know a very good restaurant.Do you want me to take you there?
Yes, please.

Situation 13:
Visiting the Grand Canyon(Mr. Pak and Su-mi finish their trip to
San Francisco.The next day they fly to the Grand Canyon. )
Today we are flying to the Grand Canyon.
Will it only take one hour?
No,it will take about two hours.
That's still a lot better than ten hours.
Yes,it is.And if we drove there in a car it would take almost thirteen hours.
Thirteen hours?I could never do that.I am glad we are flying there.
(Mr.Pak and Su - mi arrive at the airport and then take a bus to the Grand Canyon.)
There it is,the Grand Canyon.What do you think?
It's so big.I can't believe it.
Yes,we saw pictures of it, but it is too big for a picture.
Who made it?
Not who,but what.What made the Grand Canyon was a river.Can you see that water
at the bottom of the canyon?
Yes,I see it.
Well,that's the Colorado River.That river flowed for many tens of thousands
of years until it made this canyon.
Wow.But water looks so weak.
I know.But water is very strong.
This is a great vacation,Dad.I am learning a lot of English,and also about
nature and history.
Yes,that is why travelling can be an important part of studying.

Situation 14:
Going Back to Seoul(Mr. Pak and Su-mi finish their trip to the Grand Canyonand
are now back in Los Angeles. )
Did you enjoy your trip to San Francisco?
Yes,I enjoyed it very much.
And what about the Grand Canyon?
Oh,I loved that,too.
Which one did you like more?
I liked them both.They were very different,but both very interesting.
That is a very good answer.You are very smart.
Of course she is.She's my daughter.
That is very funny.Are you ready to go to the airport?
I am.Sue,are you also ready?
Yes,Dad,I was ready before you were
Okay,then let's go to the airport.
(They all get in Mrs.Kim's car and drive to the airport.)
Thank you so much for all your help
Yes,thank you very much.
You don't have to thank me.We are family.It was my pleasure.
Good-bye.See you next year.
Good - bye.And maybe we can see each other sooner than next year.
I may be visiting Seoul next month.
That's great news.If you come to Seoul,you must stay at our house.
Yes,Auntie,you must stay with us.
Of course I will stay with you.We are family.

Situation 15:
Back in Seoul(Mr. Pak and Su-mi fly back to Seoul.Mrs. Pak and Tae-gyun meet them
at the airport,and they all go home together. )
So,how was your trip?
It was wonderful,but I missed you a lot.
What about you Su-mi? How was trip?
I had a great time.
What did you do? Where did you go?
We went to L.A.,San Francisco,and the Grand Canyon.
And we saw the ocean and the Golden Gate Bridge.
When I go next year I will go to New York and Boston.
That's a good idea.New York and Boston are close to each other,
just like Los Angeles and San Francisco.(Mr.Pak takes out a box from Burberry's
and gives it to his wife.)
Oh,I almost forgot.Here is your present.
Thank you,Dear.I thought you forgot.
How could I forget my wife? I have a good idea.Why don't we all go to
America next year?
That is a good idea.Okay,next year we will all go to America together.
hat means we should practice our English every day until next year.
Okay,let's only speak English from now.

